Denver's BEST Medical Aesthetics Practice
We help you LOVE the way you look!

Fat Reduction And Body Contouring
Not that long ago, doctors would prescribe hormone replacement therapy to treat menopause symptoms as well as women who are going through menopause. This can help to reduce any risk of heart disease and osteoporosis. After a 2002 study that was government funded, many women ended up quitting hormone replacement therapy because of the risks. However, hormone replacement therapy and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy are two separate entities. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is a form of alternative medicine that can be used in men or women. If you’re interested in this procedure, then contact us today to schedule an appointment.
We all want to lose a few pounds. From the thin girl at work who thinks her calves are enormous to the voluptuous girl who sits at the front desk and gobbles down donuts every Friday morning while staring at thin girls on the internet, many feel that they are too heavy. With a variety of cosmetic procedures that are non-invasive, we’re able to help you achieve your ideal body. At La Beauté Medical Aesthetics, we offer BLT Elixis and Viva Multi-Polar Radio Frequency. These two procedures will help to tighten the skin by using radio frequency and ultrasound technology to focus on particular areas of your body. The energy will be controlled on that specific area to heat and cool the skin, so the fat cells overheat and over time become deceased.
We also offer body contouring. Non-surgical fat reduction and body contouring are non-invasive treatments that will work to break down the fat cells in areas of your body where you want to reduce the fat. Fat, or fat pockets, tend to sit under the skin and above the muscle. They are hard to get rid of and tend not to respond to healthy habits.
We touched upon body contouring above, but we wanted to dive further into this non-invasive treatment. Body contouring can be used on people who have undergone a major weight loss or who would like to eliminate areas of fat that seem to be stuck there and won’t respond to exercise or healthy eating. Body contouring will smooth the contours on your body and give you a more proportional appearance. Essentially, this procedure will help to reduce fat with non-invasive cosmetic procedures. The goal is to give you a leaner and more defined look.
So what areas can body contouring help with? What problem areas do you want to change? Here are some of the areas that body contouring focuses on:
- Bra rolls
- Arms
- Inner thighs
- Outer thighs
- Back
- Love handles
- Chin area
- Neck area
- Hips
- Stomach
- Butt
- Knees
- Saddlebags
Get the body you’ve always wanted with our body contouring services. To learn more about BLT Elixis and Viva Multi-Polar Radio Frequency, just call.
We offer Non-Invasive Costmetic & Dermatology Services under the direct supervision of Dr. Bachurina. Botox, Lip Fillers, BHRT, Cellulite Reduction, Body Contouring & Fat-Reduction, Acne, Anti-Aging, IPL Photofacials, Microneedling, Laser Hair Reduction, Skin Resurfacing along with the femme O-shot are some of more requested treatments here at Denver's Doctor Supervised Med-Spa.
If you’d like to look and feel better, then schedule a consultation with La Beauté Medical Aesthetics or contact Doctor B. today.